Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two Sides to Faith

This is an image I came up with during maths one day when I was bored. I was in the mood for creating something with fine detail so I drew this. It's basically a cross with a dragon on it reflected upside down. The reflection isn't symmetrical, it's more on a morality level; the top cross says "Satus Victus", which is Latin for "Start Living", and the dragon has soft lines and light features. The vines growing up it represent life and the struggle to the top. The cross reflected is grounded by black crystals which I thought looked cool at the time. I clearly remember drawing these crystals in Media one day, one of those memories that stands out for some reason. The cross itself says "Letum", which is "Death" in Latin. The symbol of the cross represents faith, and this image basically questions where a person's faith lies. It's double sided, and the dragons are facing each other as if to protect their territory, each cross is the exact opposite in terms of morality. BASICALLY, it's a contrast of good and evil in human faith, and the link they share. There's no escaping the evil, but good always happens no matter what. Note that the good side is positioned above the evil, a position of power.

By the way, this drawing is not emo. I was in the mood for creating something that questions faith, and contains fine detail. I think it showcases my artliner skills quite well.

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